Selling at Gateway FurMeet is restricted to the Dealers’ Den, and Artists’ Alley. We ask that no selling take place outside of these areas.
We use an application process to help ease filling our Dealer space. We are also limited on space and ask that Dealers please be patient with us as we try our best to accommodate everyone comfortably.
We do not charge the Dealer for tables until their application is approved. Please remember that payment is not required until your application is approved. If a dealer doesn’t pay, the table will not be held for them, and they may end up not being able to get a table once the event starts.
Tables in the Dealers’ Den are 6 feet by 30 inches. Each table will be provided with two chairs and a tablecloth. There will be a minimum of three feet of space behind each table. The cost per table is as follows:
One table: $110
Two tables: $185
10x10 area: $300
These prices include one (1) discounted membership. If a Dealer has an assistant, they can purchase an assistant Dealer badge at a discounted price of $35.00. All assistants must have memberships in order to use the Dealers’ Den. On the application, it will ask for the name of the helper and the names of any memberships which should be listed as Dealers. If an application is approved, an email will be sent to the dealer letting them know and giving them a one-time use coupon code for their assistant to use during their registration. Please note that only one assistant badge can be purchased per Dealer. The dealers will only be allowed to pick up their badges in the Dealers’ Den at the convention. If changes need to be made, you can contact us via email, and we can work with you on getting the changes updated.
Be sure to let us know in the application your preferences regarding table location, any special needs, or requests. Every effort will be made to meet all requests. Electricity is limited, so please make sure you let us know on the application if you require an electrical outlet. Applications with an unchecked box for electricity will most likely be placed in an area where no electrical outlets are available. We also ask on the application what type of equipment will be used (computer, printer, laminator, etc.). Requests can be made for dedicated power supplies in the notes section, again we will make every effort to meet these requests.
If you do not need a physical table that comes with your space, please include this information in the notes or remarks section of your application. This will allow us to make the necessary arrangements while the room is being set up by the hotel rather than after you arrive.
The description of your merchandise you provide on the application may be used in the con book's Dealers listing.
Applications will be processed in the order received. You should receive an email within a few days of submitting your application confirming your status.
Dealers are permitted to share tables. This can be done one of two ways: One Dealer can submit an application and note in the comments that another dealer will be sharing the table. Information on the other Dealer (business name, merchandise description, etc.) can be emailed for inclusion in the Dealer listings. Alternately, a single application can be submitted under both names, with all information for both dealers included. The second Dealer will still need to register for the event, an email will be sent to the applicant if they are approved with a one time use coupon code for the second Dealer, this code will let them register at the discounted rate for Dealers. In the latter case, contact information for only one of the dealers should be shown an email with the other Dealers contact info should be sent if they want separate notifications of Dealer information.
Applications received after all available tables are assigned will be put on a waiting list. Dealers on the waiting list will not be required to make a payment unless tables later become available.
If you find that you will not be able to make use of your table, please inform us as soon as possible. It is unfair to Dealers who are on the waiting list to keep them waiting until it is too late for them to make reasonable travel arrangements. We will only grant refunds for table space if the cancellation is received in a timely fashion. Note that table space may not be transferred to another Dealer without the prior approval of the Dealers’ Den Lead. Full refunds for Dealer tables are only guaranteed if requested before February 15, 2023. A refund of 50% of the table cost may be issued if the request is submitted between February 10 and February 29, 2023, subject to whether a replacement Dealer can be found. No refunds will be issued if a table is canceled after February 29, 2023.
We understand that emergencies can arise which may require you to cancel or delay your arrival at the last minute. Unless we are notified that you will not be attending, or will be arriving later, we will hold your table until 12:00 noon on Friday, March 8, 2023, at which time it will be offered to a dealer on the waiting list. Notifications can be made via email.
Effective January 1, 2016, the Department of Revenue will require all vendors to have their own Missouri Tax Identification number if they make sales at retail. Unregistered vendors will need to contact the MDOR to obtain a temporary or regular sales tax license. The convention will no longer be provided a special event packet. Please refer to https://dor.mo.gov/faq/business/special.php for any questions on tax information.
We are working on trying to secure a setup for Thursday evening, March 14th. The hours for set up on Thursday have not yet been determined, as we do not yet know if we will be able to. The Dealers’ Den will be open for set up on Friday at 9:00 AM.
Dealers’ Den operating times are;
Friday: 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
This schedule is subject to change. An email will be sent to all Dealers two weeks before the convention with final times and other relevant information.
Questions regarding table availability or Dealers’ Den operations prior to the convention should be directed to dealers@gatewayfurmeet.org. Questions regarding Dealers’ Den operations during the convention should be directed to the Dealers’ Den Lead or the on-duty lead.
For a guide on applying, click HERE
The following rules apply to all Dealers
The Hotel does not permit the sales of food items in the Dealers’ Den. Other than that, there are no restrictions on the sale of legal merchandise. We do, however, request that all merchandise be sci fi-, fan-, or furry-related. Items of an adult nature may be sold if and only if these items are not on public display.
All adult art must have genitalia (defined as female nipples or any detailing/definition of male and female groin areas) covered with stickers, Post-its, opaque tape, etc. Placing the covering on the plastic sleeve holding the print is acceptable. Items that are not suitable for minors must be kept separately from non-adult material. A tag or divider between "regular" and "adult" material in a binder is not sufficient. It is the responsibility of the Dealer to keep adult materials out of the hands and sight of anyone under 18 years of age and to ensure that these materials are discreetly handled when being viewed by a customer. Minors attending Gateway FurMeet will have clearly identifiable badges, and all Dealers will be told how to recognize them. Gateway FurMeet holds each Dealer responsible to ensure that minors are not permitted to view, handle, or be otherwise exposed to adult materials. Dealers who are repeatedly found to be displaying adult-oriented items in such a fashion that underage members can view them will be removed from the Dealers’ Den without refund.
Flashing/rotating lights, sound generators or other excessively annoying displays will not be permitted. The volume of video soundtracks or other audio must be kept low enough that they do not annoy customers or other dealers.
No pirated material of any sort will be allowed in the Dealers’ Den. Material that is otherwise unavailable in the United States will be decided upon on a case-by-case basis. A rough guideline: Tapes of cartoons that have fallen into the public domain are acceptable, but a home compilation of "Minerva Mink's Greatest Hits" is not. Selling books, CDs, or any other item that includes work by another person from which full permission has not been obtained is strictly prohibited. If the material is questionable, the Dealers’ Den Lead will try to be reasonable, but the final decision will be up to the Dealers’ Den Lead.
Due to the limited space behind tables, please restrict the number of people seated at any full table to two. Keep all items neatly piled under the table or as close to it as possible do not impede the passage of other Dealers behind the tables. Any items that are placed in the aisle in such a way that customer traffic is impeded will be removed by the Dealers’ Den Lead. Any person or group of people that is causing undue congestion will be politely asked to disperse.
There is to be no horseplay (or other animal play) in the Dealers’ Den. We do not want to see anyone trip and injure themself or someone else, or cause damage to someone's merchandise. "If you break it, you bought it." Gateway FurMeet is not responsible for injuries, breakage or loss incurred by or caused by any dealer or member.
The Dealers’ Den Lead and/or volunteers reserve the right to refuse service to any person or entity. If anyone is disruptive, ignores the rules, or harasses other persons and is not amenable to correction,
Gateway FurMeet will take the appropriate action, up to and including removal of the offender from the convention. This includes Dealers and friends as well as customers/members. If Gateway FurMeet’s Team is forced to eject a Dealer or any other person due to violations of the rules, no refund will be given of any membership or table fees.
All decisions made by the Dealers’ Den Lead regarding appropriateness of display, merchandise, or conduct will be final. Decisions made by a Team member are subject to approval by the Dealers’ Den Lead it should be noted, however, that it is highly unlikely that the Dealers’ Den Lead will reverse a decision made by a Team member.
Gateway FurMeet reserves the right to change, amend, or modify these rules without prior notice.