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The Artists’ Alley is a place for individual artists to show off their artwork, sell prints, sketches, and commissions. It’s also a place we hope everyone will have a great time as well.

Information about our Artists' Alley

Our artist alley is a first come first serve. Artists must first sign up each day in order to have a spot in the alley. Spots are $25.00 each. That means each artist get a 3 foot by 30 inch spot, that's one half of the table.

Once you have signed up you will be given a number, and shown where to sit. All Artists are responsible for returning their number back to the Artists’ Alley lead, if a card is not returned the artist will not be permitted to return to the Alley.


Artist's Alley and Dealer's Den Differences

There are a few key differences between the Artist’s Alley and Dealer's Den:

  • Seats in the Alley are limited so make sure you sign up every day.

  • You must bring your art materials and items to sell each day, and take them with you when you leave.

  • No items of any kind may be left overnight, and GFM is not responsible if items disappear due to lack of the artist not being present at his/her table.

  • There are no power outlets in the artists area.

  • Space in the Alley is limited. Space behind tables must be kept clear, that means no display racks or clutter are permitted there.

  • Mature art is permitted in accordance with the rules listed below.

Artists’ Alley Hours

Artist sign-ups: 9:30 AM
Setup for artists: 10:00 AM
Open for business: 12:00 PM

Artist sign-ups: 8:45 AM
Setup for artists: 9:00 AM
Open for business: 10:00 AM

Artist sign-ups: 8:45 AM
Setup for artists: 9:00 AM
Open for business: 10:00 AM

Hours are subject to change

Signing Up

Artists must sign in before occupying a table and must sign out again when they are finished or vacate their spot.

All belongings and trash must be picked up when the artist signs out of a table, repeated failure to do so will result in loss of Alley privileges. The convention accepts no responsibility for items left attended: including artwork, supplies, and personal items. Trash receptacles are widely available throughout the hotel space, please use them when appropriate.

Gateway Furmeet is unable to provide power outlets to artists tables. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We will allow artists to run to their rooms for services requiring a power outlet without fear of losing their table space.

Items generating an unacceptable noise level are prohibited. This includes yelling, shouting, personal stereos, computers, handheld game units, etc. Displays that flash lights or make noise are not appropriate and we ask that they not be used. Repeated complaints of excessive noise or disruption may result in loss of Alley privileges, and may cause us to lose the area we want to use for the Alley. Headphones are encouraged for artists who wish to listen to music.

Gateway Furmeet does ask that artists not set out tip jars or printed solicitations for donations. We prefer that all charitable donations be made to the selected charity. If a tip jar is set out, the artist will be asked to remove it.

Underage artists must be accompanied by an adult at all times but are not otherwise prohibited.


Every artist must obtain a Missouri sales tax license, or temporary sales tax license. This can be done by going to Missouri Department of Revenue’s website at You can find the information under the section titled “How do I get a sales tax license?”.

If you live in another state you are still responsible for collecting and remitting sales tax. However if you earn more than $600.00 in the state of Missouri, you may also be required to file a Missouri state income tax return. You can find more of this information by the link provided above.



Each artist receives three (3) feet of table space (a half table), and Alley leads requests that all artists keep their belongings within their allotted space. Artists must keep all their supplies within their table space in order to keep the walking area clear. Any artist that “drifts” over to a new table space or into the walking area will be asked to remove the extra belongings and take them back to their room.

All walking areas and space to the back of the tables must be kept open. This is a requirement of Fire Code and is not open to debate, and failure to do so will result in loss of Alley privileges. All artists must remain seated behind their tables, not beside or in front. Customers must remain standing on the opposite side of the table and may not be invited behind the table. Space behind the tables are limited to one person per three (3) feet of table space (the only exception to this is minor artists who must be accompanied, and medical necessity). Anyone blocking the walking area will be asked to move. Repeated requests to clear the area will result in loss of Alley privileges. No displays or racks are permitted outside of the three (3) foot table space (no free standing racks behind or in front of tables), racks and displays on the table are perfectly acceptable.

Only artwork created by the artist may be sold. Artists' Alley is not meant to be an inexpensive alternative to the Dealers’ Den, and for that reason we cannot accept agents, or people reselling another’s artwork. If in doubt that your work is appropriate, please contact the Artists’ Alley Lead before the convention.

Sales are only allowed in the approved areas of Artists’ Alley, or the Dealers’ Den. Artists may not set up and make sales in the hallways, convention space, or any other area. Any artist in violation of this will lose Alley privileges, and as this is a violation of Gateway Furmeet’s Code of Conduct, the artist may lose convention privileges, up to and including expulsion from convention premises. (Money may only exchange hands in the appropriate convention areas during the con.)


Artwork Ratings

Artists' Alley is subject to the same rules regarding appropriate display as all other facets of the convention. Since it is in an open area where attendees of all ages will be walking around. Adult art must be kept separate, clearly marked, and in a binder of some sort. Artists are expected to make a best effort to keep the binder/s closed when someone isn’t looking or going through them. Adult binders must be kept closed in the presence of minors. If in doubt, ask to see a badge (Minor badges have a different colored strip from regular attendees). If there are questions on suitability, or if discrepancies arise, the Lead on duty will have the final authority.

All adult art must have genitalia covered. Appropriate coverings include stickers, post-its, etc. Placing the covering on a plastic sleeve is acceptable. We ask that all artists not work on adult oriented pieces while in the Artists' Alley as it is in a very open area where there may be minor onlookers, parents, and will be in public view.

Alley Leads and volunteers may request that adult binders be closed, or that artwork be moved to an adult binder or folder. Refusal to comply with the Alley Lead requests or allowing minors to view adult artwork may result in loss of Alley privileges. Please note: artists are expected to comply promptly with the Alley Leads requests to close adult books or to move adult artwork, failure can result in loss of Alley privileges.

Physical items are not permitted to be sold in the Artists’ Alley. The only things that should be sold in the Alley are original artwork, art commissions, etc. If an artist is selling wares with art
, they should apply for a spot in the Dealer's Den.



The Alley Lead and volunteers are always looking for ways to enhance convenience and the overall experience of Alley use for both artists and our attendees and all feedback is encouraged and welcomed.
Artists are encouraged to check the Alley area each morning of the convention for updates and announcements.

Because artists may sit in the Artists' Alley for all three days or only one or two days during the convention, the Alley Lead, volunteers, and Gateway FurMeet cannot be held responsible for communications between artists and customers (i.e. for returning commissions, art work, sketch books, etc.). Contact information provided to the Alley Lead is confidential and will not be shared with attendees without the express permission of the artist.

We strongly recommend that artists display contact information somewhere on their table and encourage that they have their customers take this information down when commissioning the artist. Business cards are the perfect answer to this and are also strongly encouraged.



The collection and remittance of taxes to the Missouri Department of Revenue is the responsibility of the individual artist or crafter. Information on filling can be found at the Missouri Department of Revenue’s website at  Gateway FurMeet is not able to offer assistance with tax questions. Required paperwork is available through the Missouri Department of Revenue’s website.

We would like to remind attendees that we are not tax professionals and cannot answer questions regarding tax situations. We strongly suggest that you review the Missouri Department of Revenue’s website and inquire there if you have difficult issues that must be answered.


Acceptable Merchandise

Only artwork created by the individual artist may be sold.  To further differentiate between the Dealers Den and Artists' Alley, Gateway FurMeet has chosen to limit the types of merchandise allowed to be sold in the Alley area.

  • Examples of acceptable merchandise:

    • Original artwork and prints of original artwork.

    • Comics or other printed matter containing the artist’s original work.

    • Commissions, and sketchbooks.

    • Small crafted items like buttons, and stickers. All crafted items must have the artist’s original work.

  • The following items are “Not Allowed Merchandise”. We cannot allow the sale of these items in the Artists' Alley.

    • Performance art. CDs and DVDs of spoken art, music, comedy acts, podcasts, etc. CDs or DVDs containing visual arts made by the selling artists are fine.

    • Wearable, display and sale of T-shirts, hats and other clothing is discouraged due to the bulk of these items. It is recommended that you purchase a spot in our Dealers’ Den for selling these items or similar.

    • Any items larger than the space allowed, three feet by thirty inches.

    • Food, due to legal and liability reasons, sales of edible items is not allowed.

    • Clip Art, text or other generic or potentially copyrighted or trademarked images or messages, either as prints or on buttons, stickers, and other wearable.


If you have questions regarding the suitability of your merchandise, please check with the Alley Lead, or email us at

Gateway FurMeet reserves the right to change, amend, or modify these rules without prior notice.

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