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Would you like to host a panel at Gateway Furmeet? Have something unique, educational, or fun to offer?  We’re always looking for panelists for our programming here at GFM.


If you’re interested in hosting a panel, please fill out our panel submission form. If you have any questions not answered here, please email our programming department at



  • All panel applications must undergo formal submission, review, and approval before the panel is included in the Gateway Furmeet convention programming.


  • Panelists MUST specify any requested equipment that we supply at the time of the panel application submission, Panelists are required to provide all additional needed equipment. You will be notified what we are able to provide if your panel is approved. We will do our best to support your panel equipment requests.


  • ​Panel Submissions will close on February 15, 2024


  • Gateway Furmeet does not provide the following:

    • Any sort of computer/laptop/tablets

    • Electronics outside of the projector/TV, sound system and microphone that may be provided in the room.

    • Any sort of cable needed to plug YOUR equipment into the technology we provide (projector, sound equipment, etc.)

    • An internet connection. Internet connections cannot be purchased for any specific room. (The hotel usually has free Wi-Fi in the event space) You are able to purchase dedicated internet for the room you need it in.

    • Pens, markers, pencils, sharpeners, paper, sign stand, or any other general office supplies, or other supplies. Panelists will need to provide these if they are required for their panel.  


  • To conduct an Educational panel relating to psychology, finance, or other professional topics, a proficiency in the topic must be demonstrated. Any Panelists that wish to run such a panel may be asked to interview to show proficiency.


  • All decisions regarding acceptance or denial of panel requests are made at the sole discretion of the Programming Team. A panel may be denied with the exception that it could be re-considered if all Programming requested changes are made.


  • Panel applications will be considered on a first come first serve basis. Those who apply first have a greater chance of getting a panel slot and their requested date/time slot. After the deadline application will be put on a wait list and will be considered only if we have space available.


  • A single panelist may not participate in more than 10 panels total. This is to avoid difficulty in scheduling everyone’s panels.


  • A panel cannot charge their attendees money. Panelists may not sell anything during their panel including, but not limited to merchandise or supplies. Any panel found participating in these or similar activities will be cancelled and will not be allowed to return.


  • A panel may not pass out ANY food or drink, store bought or homemade. This includes, but is not limited to candy, chips/pretzels, pocky, ramen, water/soda, tea/coffee, etc.


18+ Panels

  • Any panel that is identified as adult material, adult in nature, strong language, or that may be viewed as inappropriate for minors by either the panelists during the panel application or by the Programming Team during review will be marked as 18+. All panelists for 18+ panels must be 18 years of age or older on the day of the panel, no exceptions.


  • Attendees for 18+ panels must present a government issued ID that isn’t expired showing they are 18 years of age at the time of the panel. No attendee will be admitted to an 18+ panel without government issued ID.

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Gateway Furmeet

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